E-Resources | E-Resources Fair Use | Anti-plagiarism | Writing Resources/Tools | Research Gateways
Useful Links for Researchers / Authors
Useful Links (Free) - (University, library staff and general resources for students)
Grammarly@Edu - English Grammar / Spelling/ Usage Check Tool,
Remotexs - Remote Access to Library Resources
E-RESOURCES - Fair Use Practices
It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that the use of electronic resources (Licensed) does not breach the terms and conditions specified in the license agreements.
Using e-resources for scholarly, educational or scientific research, teaching, private study and clinical purposes
Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving a copy of full text articles and search results
Sending a copy of an article to another authorized user (i.e. current faculty, students or staff)
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A researcher can use the published content i.e. phrases or quotes from other articles duly citing the source of Information.
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Systematic downloading: Downloading of entire journal issue/s or volume/s or articles in large quantities.
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CLICK to Refer License Terms and Conditions of Individual Publishers for Downloading Full Text Articles
Literature Review
How to write Literature Review (From Emerald Group Pub) with cited examples from Deakin, Wisconson (Madison), California and North Carolina Universities
English Grammar / Spelling Check (For university users only-on Subscription)
Referencing Tools
ENDNOTE (Thomson Reuters)
Helps creating and formatting bibliographies, finding full text articles, and searching for previously saved notes and references.
To create and access the EndNote Library, it needs registration and sign in to maintain personal EndNote.
To Access your EndNote Library from any computer at institution range
To Add references to EndNote Library directly from Web of Science
To Collect references by searching online databases or importing your existing collection or Creating references manually.
To Organize references into folders for access and use at any time.
To Create formatted reference lists in a variety of publishing styles
To Create a new group Organize and group references and share to other groups
(Free Tool)
Mendeley is free tool powered by Elsevier.
This is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help to organize research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.
The Software can be downloaded in PC/Tab/Mobile for off-line work, which can be updated online on net-connectivity
Automatically generate bibliographies
Collaborate with other researchers online
Import papers from other research software
Finds relevant papers based on what you're reading and notify
Access papers from anywhere online
Writing Resources & Citation Styles
In scientific writing to achieve clarity of communication, publishers have developed rules of style to ensure clear and consistent presentation of written material - manuscript structure, word choice, punctuation, graphics, and references.
These rules are designed to facilitate the uniform use of elements in the manuscript as well as in publication to move forward the idea with a minimum of distraction and a maximum of precision.
When editors or teachers put the specification to write in any particular style, it is the editorial style that the publishers have adopted to present the written material in that field.
Editorial Style usually refers to punctuation and abbreviations, construction of tables, selection of headings citation of references, and presentation of statistics.
The following styles are popular and primarily available on subscription, but they also contain free resources, examples, blogs and tutorials. The links are given to explore such resources.
American Psychological Association (APA) - Click for The Basics of APA Style (Source: http://www.apastyle.org/about-apa-style.aspx )
Chicago Style - Click for Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide
Modern Language Association (MLA) - Click for The MLA Style Center (Modern Language Association is the authorized Web site about MLA style. This free, evolving resource is designed as a companion to the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook.
IEEE Style Manual - Download PDF of Manual (Website Source: https://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/journmag/IEEE_style_manual.pdf)
American Anthropological Association (AAA) AAA style (for all publications) follows the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition, particularly in regard to reference citations
Society for American Archaeology - Download PDF Manual (Website Source - http://www.saa.org/Portals/0/SAA/Publications/StyleGuide/StyleGuide_Final_813.pdf)
American Medical Association (AMA) - The tips for AMA's frequently requested information
American Sociological Association (ASA) - Click for Quick Tips. * Trinity University Description. * Purdue University Description
(Researchers Networks - Authoring and Collaboration Tools)
Authors/Researchers can register under Institution and share the bibliographic records of their articles, books, etc. and view other related works, book mark them, request authors for the full text (if not available) for research purpose.
Researchers can interact with others in the discipline
Researchers can also access usage metrics of their documents (analytics) - article views, downloads, reviews etc.
University of Hyderabad (Free
Authors/Researchers can register to Academia Edu under Institution, to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics
University of Hyderabad
(Free Tool)
Authors/Researchers can register to researchgate under Institution, to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics.
Click to view the updated information
Dynamic links pertaining to University of Hyderabad members, recent publications etc can be viewed here.
for Individual Researchers (Free Tool)
Researchers innovations are uniquely identified connected to their contributions across disciplines, borders and time.
It is free service to individual researchers.
Major international publishers have committed to requiring ORCID IDs in the publishing process for their journals and making this ID mandatory for submitting manuscripts.
ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
ORCID provides a digital name – or ID – that uniquely and persistently identifies researchers and contributors across different research activities, affiliations and multiple research information platforms.
(Thomson Reuters)
To manage and share the professional information, simultaneously adding dynamic citation metrics and collaboration networks to the researchers personal profile.
Within the scholarly research community, each member is assigned a unique identifier to enable researchers to manage their publication lists, track their times cited counts and h-index, identify potential collaborators and avoid author misidentification.
Showcase researchers publications from a single one account.
In addition, ResearcherID information integrates with the Web of Science and is ORCID compliant.
Search the registry to find collaborators, review publication lists and explore how research is used around the world!