List of E Books Subscribed From Emerald (25 E Books)

S No Title
1 The Emerald Handbook of Women and Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies
2 Knowledge Risk and its Mitigation: Practices and Cases
3 Governance and Sustainability
4 Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 18
5 Diversity within Diversity Management
6 The Battle to Do Good
7 International Business in the Information and Digital Age
8 International Business Diplomacy
9 A New Social Street Economy: An Effect of The COVID-19 Pandemic
10 New Challenges for Future Sustainability and Wellbeing
11 Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
12 Economically Sustainable Development: Practical Models for LongTerm NGO Viability
13 Circular Economy in Developed and Developing Countries: Perspective, Methods And Examples
14 The Definitive Guide to Blockchain for Accounting and Business
15 An Introduction to Algorithmic Finance, Algorithmic Trading and Blockchain
16 Sustainability Accounting
17 Internationalization of Firms: The Role of Institutional Distance on Location and Entry mode
18 Developing Digital Marketing
19 Cross-Cultural Social Media Marketing: Bridging Across Cultural Differences 
20 The Value of Design in Retail and Branding
21 The Machine Age of Customer Insight
22 Building Business Value through Talent 
23 Leading Lean Six Sigma
24 Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
25 Leading with Presence: Fundamental Tools and Insights for Impactful, Engaging Leadership