Travel Warning
United States Department of State
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Washington, DC 20520

State seal image

This information is current as of today,


February 10, 2004

This Travel Warning is being issued to inform American citizens that, due to heightened levels of civil unrest, including violent confrontations between pro- and anti-government forces, the Department of State has authorized the departure of family members and non-emergency employees of the U.S. Embassy on a voluntary basis and urges American citizens to depart the country if they can do so safely. American citizens should be aware that the U.S. Embassy has banned travel by its staff outside of Port-Au-Prince and that the Embassy's ability to provide emergency services to American Citizens outside of Port-Au-Prince is limited and decreasing. This Travel Warning supersedes the Travel Warning issued January 30, 2004.

The Department of State warns U.S. citizens to defer travel to Haiti and urges American citizens to depart the country if they can do so safely. Americans are reminded of the potential for spontaneous demonstrations and violent confrontations between government supporters and students and other groups that oppose the government of Haiti. American citizens who remain in Haiti, despite this Travel Warning, should register at the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince and enroll in the warden system (emergency alert network) to obtain updated information on travel and security in Haiti. The Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy is located at 104, rue Oswald Durand, Port-au-Prince. The telephone numbers are (509) 223-7011, 223-6440, 223-6443, 223-6421, 223-6426, 223-6424, 223-6407, 223-7008, 222-0200, the fax number is (509) 223-9665, and the email address is

There has been significant political tension over recent weeks in Port-au-Prince, Gonaives, Cap Haitien, St. Marc, Petit Goave, Grand Goave, Jacmel, and other parts of Haiti. The U.S. Embassy was closed several times due to civil unrest. From time to time, the Embassy may again close temporarily to assess its security posture. The Embassy's Regional Security Office has recommended that persons associated with the Embassy not remain in downtown Port-au-Prince after sunset and has at times advised Embassy personnel to remain in their homes when violence has flared.

Since the beginning of the year, some international organizations have decided to draw down their staffs in Haiti. Groups opposed to the government have mounted demonstrations and attacked government facilities around the country. Haiti 's security environment has been deteriorating as President Aristide has continued to politicize the Haitian National Police and used government resources to pay for violent gangs to attack opposition demonstrators. The government of Haiti has failed to maintain order in Port-au-Prince or in other cities and in some instances has assisted in violently repressing the demonstrations. Due to severe limitations on travel and communication inside the country, the Embassy's ability to assist U.S. citizens in Haiti is very limited at this time. American citizens who elect to remain in Haiti should remain vigilant.

As the Department continues to develop information on potentially dangerous demonstrations and political unrest in Haiti, it shares that information through its Consular Information Program documents, available on the Internet at U.S. travelers can also get up-to-date information on security conditions in Haiti by calling 1-888-407-4747 in the U.S. or Canada or on a regular toll line at 1-317-472-2328.

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