Jefferson's Legacy: A Brief History of the Library of Congress

Contents - Preface - Library of Congress - Collections
Buildings - Librarians - Further Reading - Concordance


Copies of the images from the Jefferson's Legacy: A Brief History of the Library of Congress may be ordered from the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service (see Price List for Photographic Products). The images are listed below in the order in which they appear in the guide.


The Great Hall in the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress. (Photograph by Reid Baker)


The volume in the foreground is a work by sixteenth-century master architect Andrea Palladio.

The Library of Congress, 1800-1992

The Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress

A researcher stands under the dome of the Main Reading Room of the Jefferson Building

This Charleston Mercury broadside of December 20, 1860

Ulysses S. Grant (Photograph by Mathew Brady)

Confederate General Robert E. Lee (Photograph by Mathew Brady)

By 1890, books and mail bags were piled high in the Library quarters in the Capitol.

Magna Carta, printed in gold letters with watercolor initials in London in 1816.

The photograph shows that space occupied by the Law Library when it was located in the Capital.

Among the important steps in its construction was the placing of the keystone in the southwest clerestory arch

Battle of the Fish, a hand-colored woodcut, is by German Master Max Ernst (1891-1976).

Daniel Hopfer (flourit 1490-1536) created this engraving of three musicians on horseback.

Copyright deposits in the first Library of Congress building in 1897, waiting to be sorted, counted, and classified.

James Madison took these notes at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

Russian military and civil law books including an ornate pink volume that probably belonged to Catherine the Great

One of three perfect copies of the Gutenberg Bible, shown in detail

Collection of items celebrating the genius of John Philip Sousa, America's beloved March King

In September 1944, Librarian of Congress Archibald MacLeish, center, joined Reference director David C. Mearns and Verner W. Clapp, director of the Acquisitions Department in examining Thomas Jefferson's rough draft of the Declaration of Independence.

The Collections

Map of North America engraved by Dutch map publisher Cornelius de Jode in 1578

The rendering of Cattleya Labiata is from Conrad Loddiges & Sons' The Botantical Cabinet,

"The Cathedral and the Leaning Tower of Pisa"

In the 1880s, Photoglob of Zurich developed a prize-winning technique for adding color to black-and-white negatives and these are some of the results.

Mongolian Buddhist Sutra dating from the eighteenth century

Title page from Benjamin Franklin's Experiments and Observations on Electricity

Colorful map of the United States showing railroads conversing on Wichita, Kansas, from ten cities around the country.

A Landsat map of Salt Lake City

The cylinder recording of the voice of Kaiser Wilhelm II given to the Library in 1904.

Pastel watercolor wall plaque depicting the holy cities of the Holy Land -- Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias, and Safed

Title page from Chapter Five of Fray Diego Duran's La Historia Antigua de la Nueva España

A page from William Blake's Europe, A Prophecy

A page from the fifteenth-century folio edition of Anicius Boethius's great work De Consolatione Philosopiae

Photographer Arnold Genthe's portrait of author Pearl Buck

A page from a draft of Walt Whitman's "O Captain! My Captain!

Walt Whitman in his sitting-room in Camden, N.J., where he lived the last eight years of his life

Physiological alphabet developed by Alexander Melville Bell, father of Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell, his wife and son, attend the 1907 opening of Bell's tetrahedral tower

The Buildings

Court of Neptune Fountain in front of the Jefferson Building

A stairway in the Great Hall of the Jefferson Building

This drawing of the old Congressional Reading Room by W. Bengough appeared in Harper's Weekly on February 27, 1897.

The heart of the Main Reading Room in the Jefferson Building before renovation

The renovation of the Jefferson Building, undertaken in stages, is shown in progress.

The bronze doors of the Adams Building

The North Reading Room on the fifth floor of the Adams Building

The northern lunette in the South Reading room of the Adams Building dedicates the room to Thomas Jefferson.

Statue of James Madison in the memorial hall on the first floor of the Madison Building

The Madison Building

Librarians of Congress

George Watterson

John Silva Meehan

John G. Stephenson

Ainsworth Rand Spofford

John Russell Young

Herbert Putnam

Archibald MacLeish

Luther H. Evans

L. Quincy Mumford

Daniel J Boorstin

James H. Billington

Contents - Preface - Library of Congress - Collections
Buildings - Librarians - Further Reading - Concordance

Library of Congress

Comments: (07/14/99)