Mechanism of stomatal closure in plants exposed to drought and cold stress Agurla, Srinivas Gahir, Shashibhushan Munemasa, Shintaro Murata, Yoshiyuki Raghavendra, Agepati S. 2022-03-27T03:50:18Z 2022-03-27T03:50:18Z 2018-01-01
dc.description.abstract Drought is one of the abiotic stresses which impairs the plant growth/development and restricts the yield of many crops throughout the world. Stomatal closure is a common adaptation response of plants to the onset of drought condition. Stomata are microscopic pores on the leaf epidermis, which regulate the transpiration/CO 2 uptake by leaves. Stomatal guard cells can sense various abiotic and biotic stress stimuli from the internal and external environment and respond quickly to initiate closure under unfavorable conditions. Stomata also limit the entry of pathogens into leaves, restricting their invasion. Drought is accompanied by the production and/or mobilization of the phytohormone, abscisic acid (ABA), which is well-known for its ability to induce stomatal closure. Apart from the ABA, various other factors that accumulate during drought and affect the stomatal function are plant hormones (auxins, MJ, ethylene, brassinosteroids, and cytokinins), microbial elicitors (salicylic acid, harpin, Flg 22, and chitosan), and polyamines. The role of various signaling components/secondary messengers during stomatal opening or closure has been a matter of intense investigation. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO), cytosolic pH, and calcium are some of the well-documented signaling components during stomatal closure. The interrelationship and interactions of these signaling components such as ROS, NO, cytosolic pH, and free Ca 2+ are quite complex and need further detailed examination. Low temperatures can have deleterious effects on plants. However, plants evolved protection mechanisms to overcome the impact of this stress. Cold temperature inhibits stomatal opening and causes stomatal closure. Cold-acclimated plants often exhibit marked changes in their lipid composition, particularly of the membranes. Cold stress often leads to the accumulation of ABA, besides osmolytes such as glycine betaine and proline. The role of signaling components such as ROS, NO, and Ca 2+ during cold acclimation is yet to be established, though the effects of cold stress on plant growth and development are studied extensively. The information on the mitigation processes is quite limited. We have attempted to describe consequences of drought and cold stress in plants, emphasizing stomatal closure. Several of these factors trigger signaling components in roots, shoots, and atmosphere, all leading to stomatal closure. A scheme is presented to show the possible signaling events and their convergence and divergence of action during stomatal closure. The possible directions for future research are discussed.
dc.identifier.citation Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. v.1081
dc.identifier.issn 00652598
dc.identifier.uri 10.1007/978-981-13-1244-1_12
dc.subject ABA
dc.subject Chilling
dc.subject Cytosolic free Ca 2+
dc.subject Cytosolic pH
dc.subject Guard cells
dc.subject Ion channels
dc.subject Nitric oxide NO
dc.subject Reactive oxygen species
dc.subject ROS
dc.subject Secondary messengers
dc.subject Signaling components
dc.subject Stomatal closure
dc.subject Water stress
dc.title Mechanism of stomatal closure in plants exposed to drought and cold stress
dc.type Book Series. Book Chapter
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