Rhodovulum phaeolacus sp. nov. a phototrophic alphaproteobacterium isolated from a brown pond

dc.contributor.author Lakshmi, Khandavalli Venkata Naga Satya
dc.contributor.author Sasikala, Chintalapati
dc.contributor.author Ramana, Vemuluri Venkata
dc.contributor.author Ramaprasad, Eedara Veera Venkata
dc.contributor.author Ramana, Chintalapati Venkata
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-27T03:45:49Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-27T03:45:49Z
dc.date.issued 2011-08-02
dc.description.abstract Two strains of oval-rod shaped, Gram-negative, phototrophic, purple non-sulfur bacteria designated JA580 T and JA595 were isolated from a sediment sample collected from a brown pond. Strain JA580 T was designated as the type strain, while strain JA595 as an additional strain has similar characteristics to the type strain. Strain JA580 T was non-motile and grew photoheterotrophically with a number of organic compounds serving as carbon source/electron donor. Intracellular photosynthetic membranes were of the vesicular type. Bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spheroidene series were present as the major photosynthetic pigments. Strain JA580 T requires yeast extract for growth. Strain JA580T has an obligate requirement for sulfi de or thiosulfate for growth. C 18:1ω7c, C 18:0, C 18:1ω9c were the predominant components of cellular fatty acids. Phylogenetic analysis on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain JA580 T clustered with species of the genus Rhodovulum of the family Rhodobacteraceae and is most closely related to the type strains of Rhodovulum adriaticum, Rhodovulum iodosum (96.5%), Rhodovulum robiginosum (96%), Rhodovulum imhoffi i (95.6%) and other members of the genus Rhodovulum ( < 95%). On the basis of phenotypic and molecular genetic evidence, it is proposed that strain JA580 T should be classifi ed as a novel species of the genus Rhodovulum of the family Rhodobacteraceae, with the species name Rhodovulum phaeolacus sp. nov. The type strain of the species is JA580 T (=NBRC 107612 T =KCTC 5963 T).
dc.identifier.citation Journal of General and Applied Microbiology. v.57(3)
dc.identifier.issn 00221260
dc.identifier.uri 10.2323/jgam.57.145
dc.identifier.uri http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jgam/57/3/57_3_145/_article
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.uohyd.ac.in/handle/1/5284
dc.subject 16S rRNA gene based phylogeny
dc.subject Alphaproteobacteria
dc.subject Marine
dc.subject Purple non-sulfur bacterium
dc.subject Rhodovulum
dc.title Rhodovulum phaeolacus sp. nov. a phototrophic alphaproteobacterium isolated from a brown pond
dc.type Journal. Article
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