Role of tryptophan metabolism in human meningioma
Role of tryptophan metabolism in human meningioma
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Nonle Kumar, Talari
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University of Hyderabad
Meningiomas are the most common type of primary brain tumors and accounts for 30% of all
brain/CNS tumors. Brain is protected with three different types of layers known as meninges.
The inner most layer is pia matter followed by arachnoid and dura matter. Meningiomas are
neoplasms derived from arachnoid (meningothelial) cells. According to World Health
Organization (WHO) classification, of meningiomas are categorized into three different grades:
grade I (benign), grade II (atypical) and grade III (anaplastic) meningioma. The criteria for this
classification include cell type, mitotic activity, cellularity, necrosis and brain invasion. Most of
the meningiomas are benign (about 90%) in its nature and can be curable, but some are clinically
aggressive and can lead to significant complications and even to death corresponds to atypical
(5-7%) and anaplastic (1-3%) meningioma (Louis DN et al., 2007, Perry A et al., 2007).