Observation of a linear regime in imaginary χ < inf > ac < /inf > of Bi-2223 superconductor

dc.contributor.author Sobha Rani, T.
dc.contributor.author Rajaram, G.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-27T05:50:53Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-27T05:50:53Z
dc.date.issued 1996-02-10
dc.description.abstract Measurements of complex AC susceptibility were performed on Bi-2223/Bi-2212 high Tc superconductor at low excitation field amplitudes. Unusual features attributable to the Bi-2223 phase are observed in the imaginary part of the AC susceptibility, χ″(T), at different excitation field amplitudes, Hm. The peak temperature, Tp as a function of Hm defines a region in (H, T) plane, where χ″ is independent of Hm. Various possible interpretations are discussed, including that of a transition to a viscous flux flow regime. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
dc.identifier.citation Modern Physics Letters B. v.10(3-5)
dc.identifier.issn 02179849
dc.identifier.uri 10.1142/s0217984996000146
dc.identifier.uri https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0217984996000146
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.uohyd.ac.in/handle/1/8273
dc.title Observation of a linear regime in imaginary χ < inf > ac < /inf > of Bi-2223 superconductor
dc.type Journal. Article
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