A new biological citizenship: Posthumanism in Octavia Butler's Fledgling

dc.contributor.author Nayar, Pramod K.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-27T01:51:37Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-27T01:51:37Z
dc.date.issued 2012-12-01
dc.description.abstract This essay argues that Octavia Butler's Fledgling traces, in the transformation of the protagonist Shori from mere zoē into bíos, the evolution of a posthumanist condition where vampires coevolve with humans. This occurs in three stages before climaxing in a posthumanist corporeality that involves a multispecies biological citizenship. Shori's biovalue and biological citizenship is at once corporeal and moral. Biovalue in Butler's posthumanist vision, I conclude, inheres in the moral enhancement of Shori and is the result of her multispecies citizenship. Copyright © for the Purdue Research.
dc.identifier.citation MFS - Modern Fiction Studies. v.58(4)
dc.identifier.issn 00267724
dc.identifier.uri 10.1353/mfs.2012.0062
dc.identifier.uri http://muse.jhu.edu/content/crossref/journals/modern_fiction_studies/v058/58.4.nayar.html
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.uohyd.ac.in/handle/1/4258
dc.title A new biological citizenship: Posthumanism in Octavia Butler's Fledgling
dc.type Journal. Article
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