Correlation between the inhibition of photosynthesis and the decrease in area of detached leaf discs or volume/absorbance of protoplasts under osmotic stress in pea (Pisum sativum)
Correlation between the inhibition of photosynthesis and the decrease in area of detached leaf discs or volume/absorbance of protoplasts under osmotic stress in pea (Pisum sativum)
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Saradadevi, K.
Padmasree, K.
Raghavendra, A. S.
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Exposure to osmotic stress reduces leaf area and protoplast volume while decreasing photosynthesis. But the measurement of protoplast volume is tedious, while rapid determinations of leaf area in the field are difficult. We evaluated the quantitative relationship between the extent of decrease in area of detached leaf discs or the volume of protoplast of pea (Pisum sativum) and reduction in their photosynthetic capacity under osmotic stress. Osmotic stress was induced by increasing sorbitol concentration in the surrounding medium of the leaf discs from zero to 1.0 M (-3.1 MPa), and in case of protoplasts from 0.4 M (-1.3 MPa, isotonicity) to 1.0 M (-3.1 MPa, hypertonicity). There was a high degree of positive correlation between the extent of reduction in the area of detached leaf discs or the volume of protoplasts (indicated by diameter or absorption at 440 nm) and the decrease in photosynthesis. The correlation coefficients between inhibition of photosynthesis and the decrease in leaf disc area or protoplast volume were 0.96 and 0.99, respectively. We therefore suggest that the decrease in absorbance at 440 nm (corrected for turbidity at 750 nm) can be used as a simple measure to predict the inhibition due to osmotic stress of photosynthesis in mesophyll protoplasts. Similarly, the reduction in area of detached leaf discs could also be a very simple and useful criterion to assess osmotic tolerance of photosynthesis.
Drought tolerance,
Leaf disc area,
Osmotic stress,
Pisum sativum,
Protoplast volume,
Physiologia Plantarum. v.96(3)