Ancient sky-map from Mudumal

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Rao, K. P.
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An ancient sky-map assignable to the megalithic period was found at Mudumal in Mahbubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh. The site of Mudumal has megalithic menhirs, cists and stone circles. Some of the menhirs are arranged in rows forming alignments and avenues. It is observed that these formations are aligned to rising and setting of sun on various days. Among a group of stone circles, a square stone has a number of cup-marks. These cup-marks resemble the pattern of the Ursa Major constellation. Apart from similarity in the pattern, even the orientation of the stars is followed carefully in the depiction. This sky-map is probably the earliest chart of the night-sky found anywhere in South Asia. The total complex with the menhir formations and the depiction of the Ursa Major seems to have been used as a celestial observatory. © Serials Publications.
Andhra Pradesh, Astronomy, Iron age, Megalith, Sky-map, South India, Ursa major
Man in India. v.91(2)