Constituency parsing of complex noun sequences in hindi

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Batra, Arpita
Paul, Soma
Kulkarni, Amba
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A complex noun sequence is one in which a head noun is recursively modified by one or more bare nouns and/or genitives Constituency analysis of complex noun sequence is a prerequisite for finding dependency relation (semantic relation) between components of the sequence. Identification of dependency relation is useful for various applications such as question answering, information extraction, textual entailment, paraphrasing. In Hindi, syntactic agreement rules can handle to a large extent the parsing of recursive genitives (Sharma, 2012)[12].This paper implements frequency based corpus driven approaches for parsing recursive genitive structures that syntactic rules cannot handle as well as recursive compound nouns and combination of gentive and compound noun sequences. Using syntactic rules and dependency global algorithm, an accuracy of 92.85% is obtained. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
bracketing, complex noun sequence, compound noun, constituency parsing, genitives
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). v.8403 LNCS(PART 1)