(University of Hyderabad, 2008-02-01)
PAMU, D; James Raju, K. C
Rapid growth of the wireless communication industry in recent years has led
to a high demand for microwave. ceramic components. Commercial wireless
technologies such as cellular phones, direct broadcasting satellite (DBS) and global
positioning systems (GPS) have been making rapid progress due to the improved
performance of devices like dielectric resonators at microwave frequencies. Dielectric
resonators (DRs) are highly densified ceramic bodies of regular geometry which act
as resonators at microwave frequencies. They are made of ceramic materials with
high dielectric constant (lOr), low value oftano (hence high quality factor, Q value) and
low values of temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (~f) . The same materials
are also being used for making substrates for microwave integrated circuits (MICs),
ceramic filters and low temperature co- fired ceramic (L TCC) based highly
miniaturized microwave systems.